HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 960th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.2) |
INDEX # | 340 |
holy, sacred
圣 shèng |

神圣 shén shèng | divine; hallow; holy; sacred |
圣诞 shèng dàn | Christmas; birthday of reigning Emperor; Confucius' birthday |
圣诞节 shèng dàn jié | Christmas time; Christmas season; Christmas |
圣诞老人 shèng dàn lǎo rén | Father Christmas; Santa Claus |
圣经 shèng jīng | Holy Bible; the Confucian classics; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4] |
圣地亚哥 shèng dì yà gē | Santiago, capital of Chile; San Diego, California |
圣母 shèng mǔ | the Virgin Mary; goddess |
圣人 shèng rén | saint; sage; refers to Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3]; the current reigning Emperor |
圣诞树 shèng dàn shù | Christmas tree |
圣地 shèng dì | holy land (of a religion); sacred place; shrine; holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecca etc); center of historic interest |
圣灵 shèng líng | Holy Ghost; Holy Spirit |
圣徒 shèng tú | saint |
圣洁 shèng jié | pure and holy |
圣殿 shèng diàn | temple |
圣父 shèng fù | Holy Father; God the Father (in the Christian Trinity) |
朝圣 cháo shèng | to make a pilgrimage |
圣子 shèng zǐ | Holy Son; Jesus Christ; God the Son (in the Christian Trinity) |
圣水 shèng shuǐ | holy water |
圣路易斯 shèng lù yì sī | St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri |
圣诞卡 shèng dàn kǎ | Christmas card |
圣餐 shèng cān | Holy communion (of the Christian mass); sacrament |
圣保罗 shèng bǎo luó | St Paul; São Paulo, city in Brazil |
圣胡安 shèng hú ān | San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico |
圣城 shèng chéng | Holy City |
圣乔治 shèng qiáo zhì | St George |