crooked, bent; wrong, false
曲 qū |
曲 qǔ |

曲子 qǔ zi | poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支[zhi1] |
歪曲 wāi qū | to distort; to misrepresent |
曲折 qū zhé | winding; (fig.) complicated |
歌曲 gē qǔ | song |
扭曲 niǔ qū | to twist; to warp; to distort |
曲棍球 qū gùn qiú | field hockey |
曲线 qū xiàn | curve; curved line; indirect; in a roundabout way |
弯曲 wān qū | to bend; to curve around; curved; crooked; to wind; to warp |
曲目 qǔ mù | repertoire; program; song; piece of music |
作曲家 zuò qǔ jiā | composer; songwriter |
舞曲 wǔ qǔ | dance music |
插曲 chā qǔ | music played during a movie, play etc; incidental music; music played in a theatrical interlude; (fig.) incident; episode |
作曲 zuò qǔ | to compose (music) |
曲解 qū jiě | to misrepresent; to misinterpret |
曲奇 qǔ qí | cookie (loanword via Cantonese 曲奇 kuk1 kei4) |
乐曲 yuè qǔ | musical composition |
曲调 qǔ diào | tune; melody |
摇篮曲 yáo lán qǔ | lullaby |
协奏曲 xié zòu qǔ | concerto |
名曲 míng qǔ | famous song; well-known piece of music |
进行曲 jìn xíng qǔ | march (musical) |
三部曲 sān bù qǔ | trilogy |
交响曲 jiāo xiǎng qǔ | symphony |
夜曲 yè qǔ | nocturne (music) |
序曲 xù qǔ | overture |