altar; arena, examination hall
- altar
- arena, examination hall
- platform
- rostrum
- altar
- earthen jar

论坛 lùn tán | forum (for discussion) |
祭坛 jì tán | altar |
政坛 zhèng tán | political circles |
坛子 tán zi | jug (earthenware with a big belly and a small opening) |
乐坛 yuè tán | music circles; music world |
歌坛 gē tán | singing stage; music business (esp. pop music) |
影坛 yǐng tán | moviedom; the world of movies; film circles |
花坛 huā tán | Huatan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan; decorative mass planting of flowers and shrubs, often bounded by a low masonry border, and often part of a streetscape |
体坛 tǐ tán | sporting circles; the world of sport |
文坛 wén tán | literary circles |
讲坛 jiǎng tán | a platform (to speak) |
天坛 tiān tán | Temple of Heaven (in Beijing) |
画坛 huà tán | painting world; painting circles |
艺坛 yì tán | art circles; art world |
世界经济论坛 shì jiè jīng jì lùn tán | World Economic Forum |
剧坛 jù tán | the world of Chinese opera; theatrical circles |
博鳌亚洲论坛 bó áo yà zhōu lùn tán | Bo'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001) |
国际先驱论坛报 guó jì xiān qū lùn tán bào | International Herald Tribune |
地坛 dì tán | Temple of Earth (in Beijing) |
天坛座 tiān tán zuò | Ara (constellation) |
戒坛 jiè tán | ordination platform in a Buddhist temple |
书坛 shū tán | the calligraphic community |
棒坛 bàng tán | baseball circles; baseball world |
武坛 wǔ tán | martial arts circles |
耍坛子 shuǎ tán zi | to perform a jar juggling and balancing act |