HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1817th character |
RADICAL | ⾫ (172.4) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2789 |
employ, to hire
雇 gù |

解雇 jiě gù | to fire; to sack; to dismiss; to terminate employment |
雇佣 gù yōng | to employ; to hire |
雇员 gù yuán | employee |
雇用 gù yòng | to employ; to hire |
雇主 gù zhǔ | employer |
劳雇 láo gù | labor and employer |
勞雇 láo gù | labor and employer |
劳雇关系 láo gù guān xì | relations between labor and employer; industrial relations |
勞雇關係 láo gù guān xì | relations between labor and employer; industrial relations |
受雇 shòu gù | to be employed; to be hired; hired; paid |
挟持雇主 xié chí gù zhǔ | gherao (from Hindi, SE Asian method of protest) |
挾持雇主 xié chí gù zhǔ | gherao (from Hindi, SE Asian method of protest) |
贫雇农 pín gù nóng | poor peasants (in Marxism) |
貧雇農 pín gù nóng | poor peasants (in Marxism) |
雇傭 gù yōng | to employ; to hire |
雇佣兵 gù yōng bīng | mercenary; hired gun |
雇傭兵 gù yōng bīng | mercenary; hired gun |
雇員 gù yuán | employee |
雇工 gù gōng | laborer; hired worker |