HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 917th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2188 |
find, locate; search, grope for
探 tàn |

侦探 zhēn tàn | detective; to do detective work |
探索 tàn suǒ | to explore; to probe |
探望 tàn wàng | to visit; to call on sb; to look around |
探测 tàn cè | to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration |
探讨 tàn tǎo | to investigate; to probe |
勘探 kān tàn | to explore; to survey; to prospect (for oil etc); prospecting |
探长 tàn zhǎng | (police) detective |
探险 tàn xiǎn | to explore; to go on an expedition; adventure |
探戈 tàn gē | tango (dance) (loanword) |
探测器 tàn cè qì | detector; probe; craft |
密探 mì tàn | secret agent; detective; covert investigator |
探访 tàn fǎng | to seek by inquiry or search; to call on; to visit |
探视 tàn shì | to visit (a patient, prisoner etc); to look inquiringly |
试探 shì tàn | to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out |
打探 dǎ tàn | to make discreet inquiries; to scout out |
窥探 kuī tàn | to pry into or spy on; to snoop; to peep; to poke one's nose into; to peer; to get a glimpse of |
探究 tàn jiū | to investigate; to delve; to probe; to enquire into; to look into |
探寻 tàn xún | to search; to seek; to explore |
探监 tàn jiān | to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend) |
探险家 tàn xiǎn jiā | explorer |
探子 tàn zi | intelligence gatherer; spy; detective; scout; sound (medical instrument); long and narrow probing and sampling utensil |
钻探 zuān tàn | drilling |
探头 tàn tóu | to extend one's head (out or into); a probe; detector; search unit |
探针 tàn zhēn | probe |
刺探 cì tàn | to pry into; to spy on; to probe into |