HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2005th character |
RADICAL | ⾣ (164.6) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2874 |
toast; reward, recompense
酬 chóu |

报酬 bào chou | reward; remuneration |
应酬 yìng chou | social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party |
酬劳 chóu láo | reward |
酬金 chóu jīn | monetary reward; remuneration |
酬谢 chóu xiè | to thank with a gift |
同工同酬 tóng gōng tóng chóu | equal pay for equal work |
稿酬 gǎo chóu | fee paid to an author for a piece of writing |
天道酬勤 tiān dào chóu qín | Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom) |
酬宾 chóu bīn | bargain sale; discount |
報酬 bào chou | reward; remuneration |
應酬 yìng chou | social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party |
投资报酬率 tóu zī bào chóu lǜ | return on investment; rate of return |
投資報酬率 tóu zī bào chóu lǜ | return on investment; rate of return |
奖酬 jiǎng chóu | incentive; reward |
獎酬 jiǎng chóu | incentive; reward |
薄酬 bó chóu | small reward (for work); meager remuneration |
薪酬 xīn chóu | pay; remuneration; salary; reward |
边际报酬 biān jì bào chóu | marginal returns |
邊際報酬 biān jì bào chóu | marginal returns |
酬偿 chóu cháng | reward |
酬償 chóu cháng | reward |
酬勞 chóu láo | reward |
酬和 chóu hè | to respond to a poem with a poem |
酬报 chóu bào | to repay; to reward |
酬報 chóu bào | to repay; to reward |