HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1492nd character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 968 |
drag, tow, haul; delay, prolong
拖 tuō |

拖延 tuō yán | to delay; to put off; to procrastinate |
拖车 tuō chē | to tow; towed vehicle; towing vehicle |
拖鞋 tuō xié | slippers; sandals; flip-flops; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] |
拖住 tuō zhù | to hold up; to hinder; to stall |
拖累 tuō lěi | to encumber; to be a burden on; to implicate |
拖拉机 tuō lā jī | tractor; CL:臺|台[tai2] |
拖把 tuō bǎ | mop |
拖后腿 tuō hòu tuǐ | to impede; to obstruct; to hold back |
拖欠 tuō qiàn | in arrears; behind in payments; to default on one's debts |
拖拖拉拉 tuō tuō lā lā | to procrastinate |
拖拉 tuō lā | to drag along; to haul; (fig.) to procrastinate; shilly-shallying; sluggish; (computing) drag and drop; (loanword) tola, unit of weight, approx. 11.664 grams |
拖曳 tuō yè | to pull; to drag; to haul |
拖动 tuō dòng | to drag; to tow; (computing) to drag (mouse operation) |
拖沓 tuō tà | dilatory; sluggish; muddled; roundabout |
拖泥带水 tuō ní dài shuǐ | lit. wading in mud and water; a slovenly job; sloppy |
拖船 tuō chuán | tugboat; boat towed by a tugboat; to tow a boat |
拖布 tuō bù | mop |
拖带 tuō dài | traction; towing; pulling |
拖网 tuō wǎng | dragnet; trawl; trawlnet |
拖斗 tuō dǒu | small open trailer |
人字拖 rén zì tuō | flip-flops; abbr. for 人字拖鞋[ren2 zi4 tuo1 xie2] |
人字拖鞋 rén zì tuō xié | flip-flops; flip-flop sandals; thongs; see also 人字拖[ren2 zi4 tuo1] |
地毯拖鞋 dì tǎn tuō xié | carpet slippers |
夹脚拖 jiā jiǎo tuō | flip-flops |
夾腳拖 jiā jiǎo tuō | flip-flops |