HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1868th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2182 |
rob, ransack, plunder; pass by
掠 lüè |

掠夺 lüè duó | to plunder; to rob |
掠过 lüè guò | to flit across; to sweep past; to glance (strike at an angle) |
抢掠 qiǎng lüè | to loot; looting |
劫掠 jié lüè | to loot; to plunder |
掳掠 lǔ lüè | to loot; to pillage; to sack |
浮光掠影 fú guāng lüè yǐng | flickering light and passing shadows (idiom); blurred scenery; cursory; superficial |
前掠翼 qián lüè yì | swept-forward wing (on jet fighter) |
拷掠 kǎo lüè | to torture |
掠取 lüè qǔ | to plunder; to pillage; to loot |
掠奪 lüè duó | to plunder; to rob |
掠夺者 lüè duó zhě | robber; plunderer; predator |
掠奪者 lüè duó zhě | robber; plunderer; predator |
掠美 lüè měi | to claim credit due to others |
掠卖 lüè mài | to press-gang sb and sell into slavery |
掠賣 lüè mài | to press-gang sb and sell into slavery |
掠卖华工 lüè mài huá gōng | Chinese people press-ganged and sold into slavery during Western colonialism |
掠賣華工 lüè mài huá gōng | Chinese people press-ganged and sold into slavery during Western colonialism |
掠過 lüè guò | to flit across; to sweep past; to glance (strike at an angle) |
掠食 lüè shí | to prey on; predation; predatory |
搶掠 qiǎng lüè | to loot; looting |
擄掠 lǔ lüè | to loot; to pillage; to sack |
擦掠 cā lüè | to brush against; to graze; to scratch |
笞掠 chī lüè | to flog |
后掠角 hòu lüè jiǎo | sweepback angle; trailing edge sweep angle (of a wing) |
后掠角 hòu lüě jiǎo | sweep angle; the angle at which the wing sweeps back from the fuselage in an aircraft design |