HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2997th character |
RADICAL | ⽕ (86.10) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3119 |
smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure
熏 xūn |

熏陶 xūn táo | to seep in; to influence; to nurture; influence; training |
熏肉 xūn ròu | bacon |
熏蒸 xūn zhēng | to fumigate |
利欲熏心 lì yù xūn xīn | blinded by greed (idiom) |
熏染 xūn rǎn | to exert a gradual influence; to nurture; a corrupting influence |
臭熏熏 chòu xūn xūn | stinking |
权欲熏心 quán yù xūn xīn | obsessed by a craving for power; power-hungry |
浊臭熏天 zhuó chòu xūn tiān | stinks to high heaven |
濁臭熏天 zhuó chòu xūn tiān | stinks to high heaven |
烟熏妆 yān xūn zhuāng | smoky-effect makeup around the eyes |
煙熏妝 yān xūn zhuāng | smoky-effect makeup around the eyes |
烟熏眼 yān xūn yǎn | smoky eyes look (cosmetics) |
煙熏眼 yān xūn yǎn | smoky eyes look (cosmetics) |
烟熏 yān xūn | smoke; to fumigate |
烟熏火燎 yān xūn huǒ liǎo | smoke and baking fire (idiom); surrounded by flames and smoke |
熏制 xūn zhì | to smoke; to cure over a fire |
熏天 xūn tiān | overpowering (of a stench) |
熏烤 xūn kǎo | to smoke; to cure over a wood fire |
熏衣草 xūn yī cǎo | lavender |
熏陶成性 xūn táo chéng xìng | (idiom) nurture makes second nature; good habits come by long assimilation |
熏风 xūn fēng | warm south wind |
熏風 xūn fēng | warm south wind |
熏香 xūn xiāng | incense |
熏蒸剂 xūn zhēng jì | fumigant |
臭气熏天 chòu qì xūn tiān | overwhelming stench (idiom) |