HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1904th character |
RADICAL | ⼨ (41.0) |
INDEX # | 31 |
inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41
寸 cùn |

分寸 fēn cun | propriety; appropriate behavior; proper speech or action; within the norms |
英寸 yīng cùn | inch (unit of length equal to 2.54 cm.) |
尺寸 chǐ cun | size; dimension; measurement |
手无寸铁 shǒu wú cùn tiě | lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless |
得寸进尺 dé cùn jìn chǐ | lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains; give him an inch, and he'll want a mile |
寸步不离 cùn bù bù lí | to follow sb closely (idiom); to keep close to |
寸步难行 cùn bù nán xíng | unable to move a single step (idiom); to be in an (extremely) difficult situation |
寸草不生 cùn cǎo bù shēng | lit. not even a blade of grass grows (idiom); fig. barren |
方寸 fāng cùn | square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 cun × 1 cun, or 3⅓ cm × 3⅓ cm); heart; mind |
鼠目寸光 shǔ mù cùn guāng | short-sighted |
肝肠寸断 gān cháng cùn duàn | lit. liver and guts cut to pieces (idiom); fig. grief-stricken |
寸头 cùn tóu | (male hair style) crew cut; butch cut |
寸土寸金 cùn tǔ cùn jīn | land is extremely expensive (in that area) (idiom) |
寸步不让 cùn bù bù ràng | (idiom) not to yield an inch |
头寸 tóu cùn | money market |
一寸光阴一寸金 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn | lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom); fig. free time is to be treasured |
一寸光陰一寸金 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn | lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom); fig. free time is to be treasured |
一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn | lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom); fig. Time is precious and must be treasured. |
一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn | lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom); fig. Time is precious and must be treasured. |
三寸不烂之舌 sān cùn bù làn zhī shé | to have a silver tongue; to have the gift of the gab |
三寸不爛之舌 sān cùn bù làn zhī shé | to have a silver tongue; to have the gift of the gab |
公寸 gōng cùn | decimeter |
寸口 cùn kǒu | location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM |
寸口脉 cùn kǒu mài | pulse taken at the wrist (TCM) |
寸口脈 cùn kǒu mài | pulse taken at the wrist (TCM) |