HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2039th character |
RADICAL | ⽥ (102.4) |
INDEX # | 1492 |
fear, dread, awe, reverence
畏 wèi |

畏惧 wèi jù | to fear; to dread; foreboding |
敬畏 jìng wèi | to revere |
畏缩 wèi suō | to cower; to flinch; to quail; to recoil |
畏罪 wèi zuì | to dread punishment; afraid of being arrested for a crime |
大无畏 dà wú wèi | utterly fearless |
不畏 bù wèi | unafraid; to defy |
畏首畏尾 wèi shǒu wèi wěi | afraid of the head, terrified of the tail (idiom); ever fearful and nervous; afraid of the slightest thing |
畏缩不前 wèi suō bù qián | to shrink back in fear (idiom); too cowardly to advance |
敌敌畏 dí dí wèi | dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword); also called dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP |
望而生畏 wàng ér shēng wèi | intimidate at the first glance (idiom); awe-inspiring; terrifying; overwhelming |
不畏强暴 bù wèi qiáng bào | not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence |
不畏強暴 bù wèi qiáng bào | not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence |
不畏强权 bù wèi qiáng quán | not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence |
不畏強權 bù wèi qiáng quán | not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence |
人言可畏 rén yán kě wèi | gossip is a fearful thing (idiom) |
初生之犊不畏虎 chū shēng zhī dú bù wèi hǔ | lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom); fig. the fearlessness of youth |
初生之犢不畏虎 chū shēng zhī dú bù wèi hǔ | lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom); fig. the fearlessness of youth |
可畏 kě wèi | dreadful; formidable |
大無畏 dà wú wèi | utterly fearless |
后生可畏 hòu shēng kě wèi | the young will be redoubtable in the years to come (idiom); the younger generations will surpass us in time |
後生可畏 hòu shēng kě wèi | the young will be redoubtable in the years to come (idiom); the younger generations will surpass us in time |
敵敵畏 dí dí wèi | dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword); also called dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP |
无所畏忌 wú suǒ wèi jì | without any fear of consequences; totally devoid of scruples |
無所畏忌 wú suǒ wèi jì | without any fear of consequences; totally devoid of scruples |
生畏 shēng wèi | to feel intimidated |