HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2585th character |
RADICAL | ⼒ (19.9) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2195 |
investigate; compare; collate
- investigate
- compare
- collate
- to investigate
- to survey
- to collate

勘探 kān tàn | to explore; to survey; to prospect (for oil etc); prospecting |
勘察 kān chá | to reconnoiter; to explore; to survey |
勘测 kān cè | to investigate; to survey |
勘查 kān chá | variant of 勘察[kan1 cha2] |
踏勘 tà kān | to go and inspect (a site); to do an on-site survey |
勘定 kān dìng | to demarcate; to survey and determine |
勘误 kān wù | to correct printing errors |
勘察加 kān chá jiā | Kamchatka (far eastern province of Russia) |
勘察加半岛 kān chá jiā bàn dǎo | Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia |
勘察加半島 kān chá jiā bàn dǎo | Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia |
勘測 kān cè | to investigate; to survey |
勘界 kān jiè | boundary survey |
勘破 kān pò | see 看破[kan4 po4] |
勘誤 kān wù | to correct printing errors |
勘误表 kān wù biǎo | corrigenda |
勘誤表 kān wù biǎo | corrigenda |
勘验 kān yàn | to investigate; examination |
勘驗 kān yàn | to investigate; examination |
探勘 tàn kān | to explore; to survey; to prospect (for oil etc); prospecting |
查勘 chá kān | to investigate |
校勘 jiào kān | to collate |