HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1859th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2411 |
append, add to; increase
添 tiān |

增添 zēng tiān | to add; to increase |
锦上添花 jǐn shàng tiān huā | lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect; gilding the lily |
画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú | lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous; to overdo it |
添麻烦 tiān má fan | to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience |
添加 tiān jiā | to add; to increase |
添乱 tiān luàn | (coll.) to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience |
添加剂 tiān jiā jì | additive; food additive |
添油加醋 tiān yóu jiā cù | lit. to add oil and vinegar; fig. adding details while telling a story (to make it more interesting) |
添置 tiān zhì | to buy; to acquire; to add to one's possessions |
如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì | lit. like a tiger that has grown wings; with redoubled power (idiom) |
添丁 tiān dīng | to add a son to the family |
添加物 tiān jiā wù | additive |
添补 tiān bu | to fill (up); to replenish |
二一添作五 èr yī tiān zuò wǔ | lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning); to share fairly between two parties; to go fifty-fifty |
加油添醋 jiā yóu tiān cù | to add interest (to a story); to sex up |
加添 jiā tiān | augment; add |
添亂 tiān luàn | (coll.) to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience |
添加劑 tiān jiā jì | additive; food additive |
添堵 tiān dǔ | to make people feel even more stressed or annoyed (coll.); to make traffic congestion even worse |
添砖加瓦 tiān zhuān jiā wǎ | lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom); fig. to do one's bit to help |
添磚加瓦 tiān zhuān jiā wǎ | lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom); fig. to do one's bit to help |
添福添寿 tiān fú tiān shòu | to increase luck and longevity |
添福添壽 tiān fú tiān shòu | to increase luck and longevity |
添補 tiān bu | to fill (up); to replenish |
添办 tiān bàn | to acquire |