HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1991st character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.6) |
INDEX # | 1681 |
muddy, turbid; blend, merge, mix
- muddy, turbid
- blend, merge, mix
- muddy
- to mix

浑身 hún shēn | all over; from head to foot |
浑蛋 hún dàn | variant of 混蛋[hun2 dan4] |
浑浑噩噩 hún hún è è | muddleheaded |
浑浊 hún zhuó | muddy; turbid |
浑水摸鱼 hún shuǐ mō yú | to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain |
浑厚 hún hòu | simple and honest; unsophisticated; (music etc) deep and resounding |
浑然不知 hún rán bù zhī | to be totally oblivious (to sth); to have no idea about sth |
浑然 hún rán | completely; absolutely; undivided; totally mixed up; muddled |
浑圆 hún yuán | perfectly round; (fig.) accommodating; considerate; smooth (way of doing things) |
浑然天成 hún rán tiān chéng | to resemble nature itself; of the highest quality (idiom) |
浑然一体 hún rán yī tǐ | to blend into one another; to blend together well |
吐谷浑 tǔ yù hún | Tuyuhun, a Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people; a state in Qinhai in 4th-7th century AD |
浑仪注 hún yí zhù | book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang Heng |
浑天仪 hún tiān yí | armillary sphere (astronomy) |
浑天说 hún tiān shuō | geocentric theory in ancient Chinese astronomy |
浑如 hún rú | very similar |
浑家 hún jiā | wife |
浑汗如雨 hún hàn rú yǔ | to drip with sweat |
浑河 hún hé | Hun River |
浑源 hún yuán | Hunyuan county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi |
浑源县 hún yuán xiàn | Hunyuan county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi |
浑然不觉 hún rán bù jué | totally unaware |
浑球 hún qiú | variant of 混球[hun2 qiu2] |
浑球儿 hún qiú r | variant of 混球兒|混球儿[hun2 qiu2 r5] |
浑脱 hún tuō | leather float; inflatable raft |