HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1285th character |
RADICAL | ⼤ (37.6) |
INDEX # | 1049 |
run fast, flee; rush about; run
奔 bēn |
奔 bèn |

奔驰 bēn chí | Benz (name); Mercedes-Benz, German car maker; to run quickly; to speed; to gallop |
奔波 bēn bō | to rush about; to be constantly on the move |
私奔 sī bēn | to elope |
奔跑 bēn pǎo | to run |
直奔 zhí bèn | to go straight to; to make a beeline for |
飞奔 fēi bēn | to dash (run fast); to rush; to dart |
奔放 bēn fàng | bold and unrestrained; untrammeled |
奔走 bēn zǒu | to run; to rush about; to be on the go |
投奔 tóu bèn | to seek shelter; to seek asylum |
奔流 bēn liú | to flow at great speed; to pour; racing current |
东奔西跑 dōng bēn xī pǎo | to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about |
奔赴 bēn fù | to rush to; to hurry to |
奔腾 bēn téng | Pentium (microprocessor by Intel); (of waves) to surge forward; to roll on in waves; to gallop |
各奔东西 gè bèn dōng xī | to go separate ways (idiom); to part ways with sb; Taiwan pr. [ge4 ben1 dong1 xi1] |
疲于奔命 pí yú bēn mìng | (idiom) terribly busy; up to one's ears in work |
奔忙 bēn máng | to be busy rushing about; to bustle about |
奔逃 bēn táo | to flee; to run away |
东奔西走 dōng bēn xī zǒu | to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about; to hopscotch; also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠[dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1] |
奔袭 bēn xí | long-range raid |
各奔前程 gè bèn qián chéng | each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead |
奔命 bēn mìng | to rush about on errands; to be kept on the run |
奔走相告 bēn zǒu xiāng gào | to spread the news (idiom) |
奔丧 bēn sāng | to hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent |
奔月 bèn yuè | to fly to the moon |
奔头 bèn tou | sth to strive for; prospect |