HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1931st character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.10) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2767 |
grow, multiply, increase; thrive
滋 zī |

滋味 zī wèi | taste; flavor; feeling |
滋润 zī rùn | moist; humid; to moisten; to provide moisture; comfortably off |
艾滋病 ài zī bìng | AIDS (loanword) |
艾滋 ài zī | AIDS (loanword); see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4] |
爱滋病 ài zī bìng | variant of 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4] |
爱滋 ài zī | AIDS (loanword); see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4] |
艾滋病毒 ài zī bìng dú | human immune deficiency virus (HIV); the AIDS virus |
滋生 zī shēng | to breed; to flourish; to cause; to provoke; to create |
滋养 zī yǎng | to nourish |
滋事 zī shì | to cause trouble; to provoke a dispute |
滋长 zī zhǎng | to grow (usually of abstract things); to yield; to develop |
有滋有味 yǒu zī yǒu wèi | flavorsome; (fig.) delightful; full of interest |
滋补 zī bǔ | nourishing; nutritious |
滋补品 zī bǔ pǐn | tonic; invigorant |
喜滋滋 xǐ zī zī | pleased; happy |
美滋滋 měi zī zī | very happy; elated |
美乃滋 měi nǎi zī | mayonnaise (loanword) (Tw) |
不是滋味 bù shì zī wèi | to be upset; to feel disgusted |
多力多滋 duō lì duō zī | Doritos (brand of tortilla chips) |
多拿滋 duō ná zī | doughnut (loanword) |
寻衅滋事罪 xún xìn zī shì zuì | disorderly behavior (PRC law) |
尋釁滋事罪 xún xìn zī shì zuì | disorderly behavior (PRC law) |
愛滋 ài zī | AIDS (loanword); see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4] |
愛滋病 ài zī bìng | variant of 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4] |
爱滋病毒 ài zī bìng dú | HIV; the AIDS virus |