HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2237th character |
RADICAL | ⾺ (187.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2823 |
harass, bother, annoy, disturb
- harass, bother, annoy, disturb
- trouble
- disturbance
- rumpus
- flirty
- coquettish
- abbr. for 離騷|离骚[Li2 Sao1]
- literary writings
- smell of urine
- foul smell
- male (animal) (dialect)

骚扰 sāo rǎo | to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass |
牢骚 láo sāo | discontent; complaint; to complain |
性骚扰 xìng sāo rǎo | sexual harassment |
骚乱 sāo luàn | disturbance; riot; to create a disturbance |
发牢骚 fā láo sāo | to whine; to be grouchy |
骚动 sāo dòng | disturbance; uproar; CL:陣|阵[zhen4]; to become restless |
风骚 fēng sāo | literary excellence; flirtatious behavior |
拿骚 ná sāo | Nassau, capital of The Bahamas |
满腹牢骚 mǎn fù láo sāo | lit. belly full of complaints (idiom); discontent; always moaning and complaining |
独领风骚 dú lǐng fēng sāo | most outstanding; par excellence |
骚客 sāo kè | (literary) poet; literati |
喧哗与骚动 xuān huá yǔ sāo dòng | The Sound and the Fury (novel by William Faulkner 威廉·福克納|威廉·福克纳[Wei1 lian2 · Fu2 ke4 na4]) |
闷骚 mēn sāo | (coll.) outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside |
发骚 fā sāo | horny; lecherous |
离骚 lí sāo | Sorrow at Parting, poem by Qu Yuan 屈原 in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞 |
骚乱者 sāo luàn zhě | a rioter |
骚包 sāo bāo | (slang) alluring; showy; flashy and enticing person; painted Jezebel |
骚味 sāo wèi | foul smell |
骚情 sāo qíng | frivolous; flirtatious |
骚扰客蚤 sāo rǎo kè zǎo | Xenopsylla vexabilis |
骚搅 sāo jiǎo | to disturb; to pester |
骚然 sāo rán | turbulent |
骚瑞 sāo ruì | sorry (loanword) |
骚话 sāo huà | obscenities; lewd talk |
骚货 sāo huò | loose woman; slut |