HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1592nd character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.5) |
INDEX # | 1125 |
let down; suspend, hand; down
垂 chuí |

垂直 chuí zhí | perpendicular; vertical |
垂死 chuí sǐ | dying |
下垂 xià chuí | to droop; to sag; to hang down; sagging; drooping; prolapse (medicine) |
垂涎 chuí xián | to water at the mouth; to drool |
垂危 chuí wēi | close to death; life-threatening (illness) |
垂死挣扎 chuí sǐ zhēng zhá | deathbed struggle; final struggle (idiom) |
耳垂 ěr chuí | earlobe |
垂青 chuí qīng | to show appreciation for sb; to look upon sb with favor |
永垂不朽 yǒng chuí bù xiǔ | eternal glory; will never be forgotten |
名垂青史 míng chuí qīng shǐ | lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn eternal glory |
脑垂体 nǎo chuí tǐ | pituitary gland |
考文垂 kǎo wén chuí | Coventry city in West Midlands 西米德蘭茲|西米德兰兹[Xi1 mi3 de2 lan2 zi1], UK |
垂涎欲滴 chuí xián yù dī | to drool with desire (idiom); to envy; to hunger for |
垂钓 chuí diào | angling |
低垂 dī chuí | to droop; to hang low |
功败垂成 gōng bài chuí chéng | to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure; to fall at the last hurdle; snatching defeat from the jaws of victory |
悬雍垂 xuán yōng chuí | uvula (biology) |
垂体 chuí tǐ | pituitary gland |
垂暮之年 chuí mù zhī nián | old age |
垂直线 chuí zhí xiàn | vertical line |
垂线 chuí xiàn | (math.) perpendicular line; vertical line |
垂柳 chuí liǔ | weeping willow (Salix babylonica) |
功敗垂成 gōng bài chuí chéng | to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure; to fall at the last hurdle; snatching defeat from the jaws of victory |
厄利垂亚 è lì chuí yà | Eritrea (Tw) |
厄利垂亞 è lì chuí yà | Eritrea (Tw) |