HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1204th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.9) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2334 |
inclined one side; slanting
- inclined one side
- slanting
- to lean
- to slant
- oblique
- prejudiced
- to deviate from average
- to stray from the intended line
- stubbornly
- contrary to expectations
- left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical

偏见 piān jiàn | prejudice |
偏偏 piān piān | (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicates that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicates that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people |
偏僻 piān pì | remote; desolate; far from the city |
偏差 piān chā | bias; deviation |
偏离 piān lí | to deviate; to diverge; to wander |
偏执 piān zhí | prejudice; bigotry |
偏爱 piān ài | to be partial towards sth; to favor; to prefer; preference; favorite |
偏远 piān yuǎn | remote; far from civilization |
偏好 piān hào | to prefer; to be partial to sth; preference |
偏向 piān xiàng | partial towards sth; to prefer; to incline; erroneous tendencies (Leftist or Revisionist deviation) |
偏袒 piān tǎn | to bare one shoulder; (fig.) to side with; to discriminate in favor of |
偏激 piān jī | extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances) |
偏心 piān xīn | partial; biased; prejudiced; eccentric |
不偏不倚 bù piān bù yǐ | even-handed; impartial; unbiased; exact; just |
偏转 piān zhuǎn | deflection (physics); deviation (away from a straight line) |
偏移 piān yí | displacement; deviation; offset |
偏颇 piān pō | biased; partial |
偏方 piān fāng | folk remedy; home remedy |
偏狭 piān xiá | prejudiced; narrow-minded |
以偏概全 yǐ piān gài quán | (lit.) to take a part for the whole; to generalize |
偏重 piān zhòng | to stress in a prejudiced way; to emphasize sth unduly |
偏题 piān tí | obscure question; trick exam question; catch question; CL:道[dao4] |
偏巧 piān qiǎo | by coincidence; it so happened that; fortunately; against expectation |
偏振光 piān zhèn guāng | polarization of light; polarized light |
偏光 piān guāng | polarized light |