HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1087th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.4) |
INDEX # | 351 |
punishment, penalty; law
- punishment, penalty
- law
- surname Xing
- punishment
- penalty
- sentence
- torture
- corporal punishment

刑事 xíng shì | criminal; penal |
死刑 sǐ xíng | death penalty |
服刑 fú xíng | to serve a prison sentence |
刑警 xíng jǐng | abbr. for 刑事警察[xing2 shi4 jing3 cha2]; criminal police |
刑期 xíng qī | prison term |
行刑 xíng xíng | to carry out a (death) sentence; execution |
缓刑 huǎn xíng | suspended sentence; probation |
判刑 pàn xíng | to sentence (to prison etc) |
酷刑 kù xíng | cruelty; torture |
减刑 jiǎn xíng | to reduce penalty; shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence |
严刑 yán xíng | strict law; cruel punishment; to carry out cruel law rigorously |
绞刑 jiǎo xíng | to execute by hanging |
刑罚 xíng fá | sentence; penalty; punishment |
无期徒刑 wú qī tú xíng | life imprisonment |
刑讯 xíng xùn | interrogation under torture; inquisition |
刑法 xíng fǎ | criminal law |
有期徒刑 yǒu qī tú xíng | limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment) |
徒刑 tú xíng | prison sentence |
刑具 xíng jù | punishment equipment; torture instrument |
电刑 diàn xíng | to torture sb using electricity; electrocution (capital punishment) |
刑侦 xíng zhēn | criminal investigation |
绞刑架 jiǎo xíng jià | gibbet; hanging post |
刑场 xíng chǎng | execution ground; gallows; scaffold |
刑事犯罪 xíng shì fàn zuì | criminal offense |
量刑 liàng xíng | to assess punishment; to determine the sentence (on a criminal) |