huàn huan


HSK 6 #1835


唤 huàn
  • to call



hū huàn to call out (a name etc); to shout
zhào huàn to summon; to beckon; to call
醒 huàn xǐng to wake sb; to rouse
chuán huàn a summons (to the police); subpoena
使 shǐ huàn to order sb about; to use sb
起 huàn qǐ to waken (to action); to rouse (the masses); to evoke (attention, recollection etc)
jiào huan to cry out; to bark out a sound
呼风雨 hū fēng huàn yǔ to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles
前生召 qián shēng zhào huàn foreordination
作 huàn zuò to be called; to be known as
做 huàn zuò to be called; to be referred to as
雨呼风 huàn yǔ hū fēng to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles; also 呼風喚雨|呼风唤雨[hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3]
头 huàn tou percussion instrument used by street peddlers, barbers etc to attract attention
zhāo huàn to call; to summon
回 huàn huí to call back; to summon back
qīng huàn softly call; to call softly or quietly
道 huàn dào to call out; to shout; calling out
dī huàn to softly call; a gentle or tentative attempt to call someone's attention, often used in a context where someone is speaking quietly or hesitantly
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