HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1805th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.4) |
INDEX # | 653 |
turn, twist, wrench; seize, grasp
扭 niǔ |

别扭 biè niu | awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche |
扭转 niǔ zhuǎn | to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation); (mechanics) torsion |
扭曲 niǔ qū | to twist; to warp; to distort |
扭伤 niǔ shāng | a sprain; a crick; to sprain |
扭打 niǔ dǎ | to wrestle; to grapple; to scuffle |
闹别扭 nào biè niu | to be difficult with sb; to provoke disagreement; at loggerheads; to fall out with |
扭转乾坤 niǔ zhuǎn qián kūn | lit. to upend heaven and earth (idiom); fig. to change the course of events; to turn things around |
扭头 niǔ tóu | to turn one's head; to turn around |
扭扭捏捏 niǔ niǔ niē niē | affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing (walk, manner of speech); mannered |
扭力 niǔ lì | torque; turning force; torsion |
歪歪扭扭 wāi wāi niǔ niǔ | crooked; not straight; staggering from side to side |
七扭八歪 qī niǔ bā wāi | misshapen; crooked; uneven (idiom) |
强扭的瓜不甜 qiǎng niǔ de guā bù tián | lit. if you have to use force to break a melon off the vine, it won't taste sweet (because it's only when the melon is ripe that it can be removed with just a slight twist) (idiom); fig. if sth is not meant to be, it's no use trying to force it to happen |
強扭的瓜不甜 qiǎng niǔ de guā bù tián | lit. if you have to use force to break a melon off the vine, it won't taste sweet (because it's only when the melon is ripe that it can be removed with just a slight twist) (idiom); fig. if sth is not meant to be, it's no use trying to force it to happen |
彆扭 biè niu | awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche |
扭傷 niǔ shāng | a sprain; a crick; to sprain |
扭扭乐 niǔ niǔ lè | Twister (game) |
扭扭樂 niǔ niǔ lè | Twister (game) |
扭捏 niǔ nie | affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing (walk, manner of speech); mannered |
扭摆 niǔ bǎi | to twist and sway (one's body) |
扭擺 niǔ bǎi | to twist and sway (one's body) |
扭矩 niǔ jǔ | torque; turning force |
扭结 niǔ jié | to tangle up; to twist together; to wind |
扭結 niǔ jié | to tangle up; to twist together; to wind |
扭腰 niǔ yāo | to sway one's hips; to twist one's waist |