HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2188th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.5) |
INDEX # | 1427 |
dried out, withered, decayed
枯 kū |

枯燥 kū zào | dry and dull; uninteresting; dry-as-dust |
枯萎 kū wěi | to wilt; to wither; wilted; withered; drained; enervated; exhausted |
枯竭 kū jié | used up; dried up; exhausted (of resources) |
干枯 gān kū | withered; dried up |
海枯石烂 hǎi kū shí làn | lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom); fig. forever; until the end of time |
枯干 kū gān | withered |
枯叶 kū yè | dead leaf; withered leaf |
枯槁 kū gǎo | withered; haggard; languid; without energy |
乾枯 gān kū | withered; dried up |
冢中枯骨 zhǒng zhōng kū gǔ | dried bones in burial mound (idiom); dead and buried |
塚中枯骨 zhǒng zhōng kū gǔ | dried bones in burial mound (idiom); dead and buried |
巴枯宁主义 bā kū níng zhǔ yì | Bakuninism, a 19th century socialist theory |
巴枯寧主義 bā kū níng zhǔ yì | Bakuninism, a 19th century socialist theory |
搜索枯肠 sōu suǒ kū cháng | to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom) |
搜索枯腸 sōu suǒ kū cháng | to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom) |
枯乾 kū gān | withered |
枯寂 kū jì | dull and lonely |
枯木 kū mù | dead tree |
枯木逢春 kū mù féng chūn | lit. the spring comes upon a withered tree (idiom); fig. to get a new lease on life; to be revived; (of a difficult situation) to suddenly improve |
枯朽 kū xiǔ | withered and rotten |
枯水 kū shuǐ | scarce water; low water level |
枯水期 kū shuǐ qī | period of low water level (winter in north China) |
枯燥无味 kū zào wú wèi | tedious; dreary |
枯燥無味 kū zào wú wèi | tedious; dreary |
枯茗 kū míng | cumin (loanword) |