HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1857th character |
RADICAL | ⽄ (69.1) |
INDEX # | 278 |
to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach
斥 chì |

排斥 pái chì | to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel |
充斥 chōng chì | to be full of; to flood; to congest |
训斥 xùn chì | to reprimand; to rebuke; to berate; stern criticism |
斥责 chì zé | to lash out; to reprimand |
驳斥 bó chì | to refute; to debunk; to deny; to denounce |
呵斥 hē chì | to berate; to excoriate; to chide; also written 喝斥[he1 chi4] |
痛斥 tòng chì | to criticize harshly; to denounce; to attack viciously |
相斥 xiāng chì | mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic); to repel one another |
互斥 hù chì | mutually exclusive |
怒斥 nù chì | to angrily rebuke; to indignantly denounce |
申斥 shēn chì | to rebuke; to blame; to denounce |
斥资 chì zī | to spend; to allocate funds |
斥力 chì lì | repulsion (in electrostatics); repulsive force |
斥骂 chì mà | to scold |
同性相斥 tóng xìng xiāng chì | like polarities repel each other; (fig.) like repels like |
喝斥 hē chì | to berate; to excoriate; to chide; also written 呵斥[he1 chi4] |
嗔斥 chēn chì | to rebuke; to scold |
严斥 yán chì | to scold; to censure |
嚴斥 yán chì | to scold; to censure |
弹斥 tán chì | accuse and criticize |
彈斥 tán chì | accuse and criticize |
拒斥 jù chì | to reject |
指斥 zhǐ chì | to denounce; to censure; to rebuke |
推斥 tuī chì | repulsion; repulsive force (physics) |
推斥力 tuī chì lì | repulsion; repulsive force (physics) |