HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2829th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.11) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3069 |
creeping plants, tendrils, vines
蔓 màn |
蔓 mán |

蔓延 màn yán | to extend; to spread |
藤蔓 téng màn | vine; also pr. [teng2 wan4] |
枝蔓 zhī màn | branches and tendrils; fig. overcomplicated or digressive |
滋蔓 zī màn | to grow and spread |
荒烟蔓草 huāng yān màn cǎo | lit. abandoned by men and choked with weeds; desolate (idiom) |
荒煙蔓草 huāng yān màn cǎo | lit. abandoned by men and choked with weeds; desolate (idiom) |
蔓延全国 màn yán quán guó | to spread throughout the entire country |
蔓延全國 màn yán quán guó | to spread throughout the entire country |
蔓生 màn shēng | trailing plant; liana; creeper; overgrown |
蔓生植物 màn shēng zhí wù | creeper; climbing plant; twiner |
蔓草 màn cǎo | creeper; climbing plant; twiner |
蔓菁 mán jing | turnip; wild cabbage |
蔓越橘 màn yuè jú | cranberry |
蔓越莓 màn yuè méi | cranberry |
迅速蔓延 xùn sù màn yán | rapid spread; to spread rapidly |
蔓延到 màn yán dào | to spread to; describes something (such as a condition, influence, or disease) expanding or extending its effect to a new region or area. |