HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1424th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.7) |
INDEX # | 1414 |
pond, pool; wash away, cleanse
荡 dàng |
荡 tàng |

动荡 dòng dàng | variant of 動蕩|动荡[dong4 dang4]; unrest (social or political); turmoil; upheaval; commotion |
荡妇 dàng fù | slut; floozy; prostitute |
游荡 yóu dàng | to wander; to roam about; to loaf about; to be idle |
淫荡 yín dàng | loose in morals; lascivious; licentious; lewd |
放荡 fàng dàng | licentious; wanton; morally unrestrained |
脑震荡 nǎo zhèn dàng | (med.) cerebral concussion |
扫荡 sǎo dàng | to root out; to wipe out |
晃荡 huàng dang | to rock; to sway; to shake |
空荡荡 kōng dàng dàng | absolutely empty (space); complete vacuum |
浪荡 làng dàng | to loiter; to hang around; dissolute; licentious |
倾家荡产 qīng jiā dàng chǎn | to lose a family fortune (idiom) |
震荡 zhèn dàng | to shake up; to jolt; to vibrate; to oscillate; to fluctuate; to shake; to shudder |
荡秋千 dàng qiū qiān | to swing (on a swing) |
回荡 huí dàng | to resound; to reverberate; to echo |
飘荡 piāo dàng | to drift; to wave; to float on the waves; to flutter in the wind |
振荡 zhèn dàng | vibration; oscillation |
闯荡 chuǎng dàng | to leave home to make one's way in the world; to leave the life one knows to seek success |
荡然无存 dàng rán wú cún | to obliterate completely; to vanish from the face of the earth |
放荡不羁 fàng dàng bù jī | wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute |
荡漾 dàng yàng | to ripple; to undulate; also written 蕩漾|荡漾 |
空空荡荡 kōng kōng dàng dàng | deserted; absolutely empty (space); complete vacuum |
激荡 jī dàng | to rage; to dash; to surge; also written 激盪|激荡 |
坦荡 tǎn dàng | magnanimous; broad and level |
振荡器 zhèn dàng qì | oscillator |
浩荡 hào dàng | vast and mighty (of river or ocean); broad and powerful |