HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2249th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.6) |
INDEX # | 1167 |
temple, shrine, monastery
刹 shā |
刹 chà |

刹车 shā chē | to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch off; to check (bad habits); a brake |
刹那 chà nà | an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye |
急刹车 jí shā chē | emergency braking |
古刹 gǔ chà | old Buddhist temple |
刹住 shā zhù | to stop; to come to a halt |
什刹海 shí chà hǎi | Shichahai, scenic area of northwest Beijing with three lakes |
刹不住 shā bu zhù | unable to brake (stop) |
刹把 shā bǎ | brake lever; crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery |
刹时 chà shí | in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye |
刹车灯 shā chē dēng | brake light |
塔刹 tǎ chà | Buddhist ornamentation decorating the upper story of a pagoda |
巴刹 bā shā | bazaar (loanword); Taiwan pr. [ba1 cha4] |
手刹车 shǒu shā chē | handbrake |
梵刹 fàn chà | Buddhist temple; monastery |
罗刹 luó chà | demon in Buddhism; poltergeist in temple that plays tricks on monks and has a taste for their food |
踩刹车 cǎi shā chē | to step on the brake; to brake (when driving) |
刹那间 shā nà jiān | an instant; a moment; a very short period of time |
刹车声 shā chē shēng | braking sound; the noise produced by a vehicle's brakes when braking |
巴刹里 bā shā lǐ | market; bazaar |
刹停 shā tíng | come to an abrupt stop; typically used to describe vehicles halting quickly, often with a screeching sound due to sudden braking |
一刹那 yī chà nà | an instant; a split second, indicating a very brief moment that is almost instantaneous |