HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2879th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2203 |
bud, sprout
萌 méng |

萌芽 méng yá | to sprout (lit. or fig.); to bud; to germinate; germ; seed; bud |
萌生 méng shēng | to burgeon; to produce; to conceive; to be in the initial stage |
萌动 méng dòng | to sprout; (fig.) to emerge |
萌发 méng fā | to sprout; to shoot; to bud |
故态复萌 gù tài fù méng | to revert to old ways |
呆萌 dāi méng | endearingly silly |
复萌 fù méng | to germinate again |
復萌 fù méng | to germinate again |
故態復萌 gù tài fù méng | to revert to old ways |
杜渐防萌 dù jiān fáng méng | to nip in the bud |
杜漸防萌 dù jiān fáng méng | to nip in the bud |
旧态复萌 jiù tài fù méng | see 故態復萌|故态复萌[gu4 tai4 fu4 meng2] |
舊態復萌 jiù tài fù méng | see 故態復萌|故态复萌[gu4 tai4 fu4 meng2] |
萌動 méng dòng | to sprout; (fig.) to emerge |
萌渚岭 méng zhǔ lǐng | Mengzhu mountain range between south Hunan and Guangxi |
萌渚嶺 méng zhǔ lǐng | Mengzhu mountain range between south Hunan and Guangxi |
萌發 méng fā | to sprout; to shoot; to bud |
萌萌哒 méng méng dā | (Internet slang) adorable; cute |
萌萌噠 méng méng dā | (Internet slang) adorable; cute |
装萌 zhuāng méng | (slang) to act cute |
裝萌 zhuāng méng | (slang) to act cute |
卖萌 mài méng | (slang) to act cute |
賣萌 mài méng | (slang) to act cute |
防患未萌 fáng huàn wèi méng | to prevent a disaster before the event (idiom); to nip sth in the bud |
萌萌 méng méng | cute; adorable; charming (often used to describe something or someone cute in a charming way) |