
vivid, illuminating; bright

HSK 6 #2591


  • vivid, illuminating
  • bright
  • glorious
  • bright
  • brilliant
  • lustrous
  • resplendent



烂 càn làn to glitter; brilliant; splendid
jīn càn càn golden-bright and dazzling
烂多彩 càn làn duō cǎi multicolored splendor (of fireworks, bright lights etc)
笑 càn xiào to smile brightly
若繁星 càn ruò fán xīng bright as a multitude of stars (idiom); extremely able talent
qǐ càn enchanting; gorgeous
荣 jīn càn róng Jin Canrong (a Chinese professor and expert in international relations)
星光烂 xīng guāng càn làn brilliant starlight; refers to the bright and dazzling light emitted by stars
若 càn ruò bright and shining like; glorious and magnificent as if
阳光烂 yáng guāng càn làn bright and dazzling sunlight
càn càn glowing; radiant; splendid
光辉烂 guāng huī càn làn brilliant
烈 càn liè brilliant and fierce; describes something that is vividly bright or intensely radiant, often conveying a sense of majesty or grandeur
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