HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1039th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2859 |
cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia
蒙 méng |
蒙 mēng |
蒙 měng |

启蒙 qǐ méng | variant of 啟蒙|启蒙[qi3 meng2]; to instruct the young; to initiate; to awake sb from ignorance; to free sb from prejudice or superstition; primer; enlightened; the Enlightenment; Western learning from the late Qing dynasty |
荷尔蒙 hé ěr méng | hormone (loanword); see 激素[ji1 su4] |
蒙在鼓里 méng zài gǔ lǐ | variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[meng2 zai4 gu3 li3]; lit. kept inside a drum (idiom); fig. completely in the dark |
雷蒙德 léi méng dé | Raymond (name) |
蒙特利尔 méng tè lì ěr | Montreal, city in Quebec, Canada |
蒙古 měng gǔ | Mongolia |
蒙蔽 méng bì | to deceive; to hoodwink |
蒙面 méng miàn | masked; covered face |
蒙大拿 méng dà ná | Montana, US state |
佛蒙特州 fó méng tè zhōu | Vermont, US state |
承蒙 chéng méng | to be indebted (to sb) |
博蒙特 bó méng tè | Beaumont |
蒙大拿州 méng dà ná zhōu | Montana, US state |
蒙骗 mēng piàn | to hoodwink; to deceive; to dupe sb; variant of 矇騙|蒙骗[meng1 pian4] |
蒙混过关 méng hùn guò guān | to get away with it; to slip through; to bluff one's way out; Taiwan pr. [meng1 hun4 guo4 guan1] |
蒙娜丽莎 méng nà lì shā | Mona Lisa |
佛蒙特 fó méng tè | Vermont, US state |
蒙哥马利 méng gē mǎ lì | Bernard Montgomery (Montie) (1887-1976), Second World War British field marshal; Montgomery or Montgomerie (surname) |
蒙受 méng shòu | to suffer; to sustain (loss) |
蒙特卡洛 méng tè kǎ luò | Monte-Carlo (Monaco) |
蒙古人 měng gǔ rén | Mongol |
蒙混 méng hùn | to deceive; to hoodwink; Taiwan pr. [meng1 hun4] |
哈蒙德 hā méng dé | Hammond (surname) |
阿蒙 ā méng | Amun, deity in Egyptian mythology, also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen |
蒙太奇 méng tài qí | montage (film) (loanword) |