HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2121st character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.12) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3073 |
cover, hide, conceal; shelter
蔽 bì |

隐蔽 yǐn bì | to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover |
蒙蔽 méng bì | to deceive; to hoodwink |
屏蔽 píng bì | to screen; to block (sth or sb); to shield; (protective) shield |
遮蔽 zhē bì | to cover; to hide from view; to obstruct or block; defilade (military) |
掩蔽 yǎn bì | shelter; screen; cover; protection |
遮天蔽日 zhē tiān bì rì | lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering; omnipresent; of universal importance |
衣不蔽体 yī bù bì tǐ | lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom); fig. poverty-stricken |
一言以蔽之 yī yán yǐ bì zhī | one word says it all (idiom, from Analects); to cut a long story short; in a nutshell |
壅蔽 yōng bì | (literary) to cover; to conceal; to hide from view |
子网屏蔽码 zǐ wǎng píng bì mǎ | subnet mask (computing) |
子網屏蔽碼 zǐ wǎng píng bì mǎ | subnet mask (computing) |
屏蔽罐 píng bì guàn | cask |
后掩蔽 hòu yǎn bì | backward masking |
後掩蔽 hòu yǎn bì | backward masking |
核屏蔽 hé píng bì | nuclear shielding |
荫蔽 yìn bì | to be shaded or concealed by foliage; to conceal; hidden; covert; shade (of a tree) |
蔭蔽 yìn bì | to be shaded or concealed by foliage; to conceal; hidden; covert; shade (of a tree) |
蔽芾 bì fèi | luxuriant; lush; young (plants) |
蔽身处 bì shēn chù | shelter |
蔽身處 bì shēn chù | shelter |
衣不蔽體 yī bù bì tǐ | lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom); fig. poverty-stricken |
障蔽 zhàng bì | to obstruct |
隱蔽 yǐn bì | to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover |
隐蔽强迫下载 yǐn bì qiǎng pò xià zài | drive-by download (a form of malware booby-trap); silent drive-by download |
隱蔽強迫下載 yǐn bì qiǎng pò xià zài | drive-by download (a form of malware booby-trap); silent drive-by download |