HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1680th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.5) |
INDEX # | 1100 |
cry of bird or animal; make sound
- cry of bird or animal
- make sound
- to cry (of birds, animals and insects)
- to make a sound
- to voice (one's gratitude, grievance etc)

共鸣 gòng míng | resonance (physics); sympathetic response to sth |
雷鸣 léi míng | thunder rolls |
自鸣得意 zì míng dé yì | to think highly of oneself |
鸣枪 míng qiāng | to fire warning shots |
鸣笛 míng dí | to hoot; to whistle |
一鸣惊人 yī míng jīng rén | to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity |
奏鸣曲 zòu míng qǔ | sonata |
轰鸣 hōng míng | boom (sound of explosion); rumble |
蜂鸣器 fēng míng qì | buzzer |
鸣叫 míng jiào | to emit a sound; (of birds, insects etc) to chirp, hoot etc; (of a siren, steam whistle etc) to sound |
耳鸣 ěr míng | tinnitus |
悲鸣 bēi míng | utter sad calls; lament |
鸣谢 míng xiè | to express gratitude (esp. in public); vote of thanks |
鸟鸣 niǎo míng | birdsong; warbling |
哀鸣 āi míng | (of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound; whine; moan; wail |
孤掌难鸣 gū zhǎng nán míng | It's hard to clap with only one hand.; It takes two to tango; It's difficult to achieve anything without support. |
鸣不平 míng bù píng | to cry out against injustice; to protest unfairness |
蝉鸣 chán míng | song of cicadas; chirping of insects |
鸣禽 míng qín | songbird |
不平则鸣 bù píng zé míng | where there is injustice, there will be an outcry; man will cry out against injustice |
哮鸣 xiào míng | wheezing |
喉鸣 hóu míng | throat sound such as choking, donkey's bray etc |
嘶鸣 sī míng | to whinny (of a horse); to neigh |
大鸣大放 dà míng dà fàng | free airing of views (PRC) |
大鸣大放运动 dà míng dà fàng yùn dòng | see 百花運動|百花运动[Bai3 hua1 Yun4 dong4] |