HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1472nd character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.4) |
INDEX # | 459 |
five, company of five; troops
伍 wǔ |

队伍 duì wǔ | ranks; troops; queue; line; procession; CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] |
入伍 rù wǔ | to enter the army; to enlist |
退伍 tuì wǔ | to be discharged from military service |
落伍 luò wǔ | to fall behind the ranks; to be outdated |
退伍军人 tuì wǔ jūn rén | veteran |
为伍 wéi wǔ | to associate with; to keep company with |
伍德豪斯 wǔ dé háo sī | Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name) |
伍奢 wǔ shē | Wu She (-522 BC), powerful minister of Chu and father of Wu Zixu 伍子胥 |
伍子胥 wǔ zǐ xū | Wu Zixu (-484 BC), powerful politician in Wu; famous as destitute refugee begging in Wu town, cf 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫 |
伍家岗 wǔ jiā gǎng | Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei |
伍家崗 wǔ jiā gǎng | Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei |
伍家岗区 wǔ jiā gǎng qū | Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei |
伍家崗區 wǔ jiā gǎng qū | Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei |
伍廷芳 wǔ tíng fāng | Wu Tingfang (1842-1922), diplomat and lawyer |
布伍 bù wǔ | to deploy troops |
佈伍 bù wǔ | to deploy troops |
入伍生 rù wǔ shēng | newly enlisted officer student; cadet |
泰格・伍兹 tài gé ・ wǔ zī | Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer |
泰格・伍茲 tài gé ・ wǔ zī | Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer |
清理队伍 qīng lǐ duì wǔ | to purge the ranks |
清理隊伍 qīng lǐ duì wǔ | to purge the ranks |
為伍 wéi wǔ | to associate with; to keep company with |
老虎伍兹 lǎo hǔ wǔ zī | Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer |
老虎伍茲 lǎo hǔ wǔ zī | Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer |
退伍軍人 tuì wǔ jūn rén | veteran |