HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1708th character |
RADICAL | ⽝ (94.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2005 |
狼 láng |

狼狈 láng bèi | in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure; scoundrel! (derog.) |
狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn | to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenously; to gorge oneself |
天狼星 tiān láng xīng | Sirius, a double star in constellation Canis Major 大犬座 |
色狼 sè láng | lecher; pervert; wolf |
声名狼藉 shēng míng láng jí | to have a bad reputation |
豺狼 chái láng | jackal and wolf; ravenous wolf; fig. evil person; vicious tyrant |
黄鼠狼 huáng shǔ láng | see 黃鼬|黄鼬[huang2 you4] |
狼藉 láng jí | in a mess; scattered about; in complete disorder |
大灰狼 dà huī láng | big bad wolf |
狼狈为奸 láng bèi wéi jiān | villains collude together (idiom); to work hand in glove with sb (to nefarious ends) |
狼狗 láng gǒu | wolfdog |
狼獾 láng huān | wolverine (Gulo gulo), also named 貂熊[diao1 xiong2] |
如狼似虎 rú láng sì hǔ | lit. like wolves and tigers; ruthless |
狼孩 láng hái | wolf child; human child raised by wolves (in legends) |
狼心狗肺 láng xīn gǒu fèi | lit. heart of wolf and lungs of dog (idiom); cruel and unscrupulous |
中山狼传 zhōng shān láng zhuàn | The Wolf of Zhongshan, fable by Ma Zhongxi 馬中錫|马中锡[Ma3 Zhong1 xi1] |
中山狼傳 zhōng shān láng zhuàn | The Wolf of Zhongshan, fable by Ma Zhongxi 馬中錫|马中锡[Ma3 Zhong1 xi1] |
前怕狼后怕虎 qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ | lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom); fig. to be full of needless fears; reds under the beds |
前怕狼後怕虎 qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ | lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom); fig. to be full of needless fears; reds under the beds |
前门打虎,后门打狼 qián mén dǎ hǔ , hòu mén dǎ láng | to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another |
前門打虎,後門打狼 qián mén dǎ hǔ , hòu mén dǎ láng | to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another |
前门拒虎,后门进狼 qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng | to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another |
前門拒虎,後門進狼 qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng | to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another |
土狼 tǔ láng | aardwolf (Proteles cristatus), a small insectivorous relative of the hyena |
大野狼 dà yě láng | big bad wolf |