HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1829th character |
RADICAL | ⾫ (172.8) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3365 |
engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust; used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture
- engrave, inlay, carve
- exhaust
- used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture
- variant of 雕[diao1], to engrave
- to carve
- to engrave
- shrewd
- bird of prey

雕塑 diāo sù | a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to carve |
雕刻 diāo kè | to carve; to engrave; carving |
雕像 diāo xiàng | sculpture; (carved) statue; CL:尊[zun1] |
冰雕 bīng diāo | ice sculpture |
雕琢 diāo zhuó | to sculpt; to carve (jade); ornate artwork; overly elaborate prose |
雕刻家 diāo kè jiā | sculptor |
雕虫小技 diāo chóng xiǎo jì | insignificant talent; skill of no high order; minor accomplishment |
浮雕 fú diāo | relief sculpture |
雕花 diāo huā | carving; decorative carved pattern; arabesque |
石雕 shí diāo | stone carving; carved sculpture |
雕版 diāo bǎn | a carved printing block |
雕刻品 diāo kè pǐn | sculpture |
雕饰 diāo shì | to carve; to decorate; carved; decorated |
雕梁画栋 diāo liáng huà dòng | richly ornamented (building) |
一箭双雕 yī jiàn shuāng diāo | lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom); to kill two birds with one stone |
凹雕 āo diāo | to engrave; to carve into |
动态雕塑 dòng tài diāo sù | (fine arts) a mobile |
動態雕塑 dòng tài diāo sù | (fine arts) a mobile |
射雕英雄传 shè diāo yīng xióng zhuàn | Legend of the Condor Heroes, wuxia (武侠, martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸 and its screen adaptations |
微雕 wēi diāo | a miniature (carving) |
林雕 lín diāo | (bird species of China) black eagle (Ictinaetus malaiensis) |
林雕鸮 lín diāo xiāo | (bird species of China) spot-bellied eagle-owl (Bubo nipalensis) |
棕腹隼雕 zōng fù sǔn diāo | (bird species of China) rufous-bellied eagle (Lophotriorchis kienerii) |
浮雕墙纸 fú diāo qiáng zhǐ | anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper) |
浮雕牆紙 fú diāo qiáng zhǐ | anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper) |