service; a servant, laborer; to serve

HSK 6 #1245


  • service
  • a servant, laborer
  • to serve
  • forced labor
  • corvée
  • obligatory task
  • military service
  • to use as servant
  • to enserf
  • servant (old)
  • war
  • campaign
  • battle


役 stroke order diagram
役 stroke order animation


zhàn yì military campaign
fú yì to serve in the army; in active service
退 tuì yì to retire from the military, sport etc; to demobilize; to decommission; retired from use
nú yì to enslave; slavery
bīng yì military service
服兵 fú bīng yì to serve in the army
xiàn yì (military) active duty
láo yì forced labor; corvée (labor required of a serf); animal labor
pú yì servant
zá yì odd jobs; part-time worker
chāi yì forced labor of feudal tenant (corvée); bailiff of feudal yamen
kǔ yì forced labor; corvée; penal servitude
一身两 yī shēn liǎng yì one person taking on two tasks simultaneously
一身兩 yī shēn liǎng yì one person taking on two tasks simultaneously
不列颠战 bù liè diān zhàn yì Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)
不列顛戰 bù liè diān zhàn yì Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)
中途岛战 zhōng tú dǎo zhàn yì Battle of Midway, June 1942
中途島戰 zhōng tú dǎo zhàn yì Battle of Midway, June 1942
使 shǐ yì to use (an animal or servant); working (animal); (beast) of burden; causative form of verbs (esp. in grammar of Japanese, Korean etc)
pú yì servant
láo yì forced labor; corvée (labor required of a serf); animal labor
fū yì corvee; laborer
孟良崮战 mèng liáng gù zhàn yì Battle of Mt Mengliang in Shandong of 1947 between the Nationalists and Communists
孟良崮戰 mèng liáng gù zhàn yì Battle of Mt Mengliang in Shandong of 1947 between the Nationalists and Communists
平津战 píng jīn zhàn yì Pingjin Campaign (Nov 1948-Jan 1949), one of the three major campaigns by the People's Liberation Army near the end of the Chinese Civil War
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