HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1160th character |
RADICAL | ⽎ (79.9) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2956 |
毁 huǐ |

毁灭 huǐ miè | to perish; to ruin; to destroy |
销毁 xiāo huǐ | to destroy (by melting or burning); to obliterate |
摧毁 cuī huǐ | to destroy; to wreck |
烧毁 shāo huǐ | to burn; to burn down |
坠毁 zhuì huǐ | (of an airplane etc) to fall to the ground and crash |
毁坏 huǐ huài | to damage; to devastate; to vandalize; damage; destruction |
毁掉 huǐ diào | to destroy |
炸毁 zhà huǐ | to blow up; to destroy with explosives |
诋毁 dǐ huǐ | to vilify; to slander; vilification |
毁灭性 huǐ miè xìng | destructive; devastating |
捣毁 dǎo huǐ | to destroy; to smash; sabotage |
损毁 sǔn huǐ | to cause damage to; to ruin; to destroy |
撕毁 sī huǐ | to tear up; to rip up; too shred |
焚毁 fén huǐ | to burn down; to destroy with fire; trad. also written 焚毀 |
击毁 jī huǐ | to attack and destroy |
毁容 huǐ róng | to disfigure; to spoil the beauty of |
毁约 huǐ yuē | to break a promise; breach of contract |
拆毁 chāi huǐ | to dismantle; to demolish |
毁谤 huǐ bàng | slander; libel; to malign; to disparage |
毁损 huǐ sǔn | impair, damage |
毁伤 huǐ shāng | to injure; to damage |
宁拆十座庙,不毁一桩婚 níng chāi shí zuò miào , bù huì yī zhuāng hūn | rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage (idiom) |
崩毁 bēng huǐ | collapse |
平毁 píng huǐ | to raze to the ground; to demolish |
撞毁 zhuàng huǐ | to smash |