
destroy, ruin, injure; slander


毀 huǐ
  • to destroy
  • to damage
  • to ruin
  • to defame
  • to slander
  • variant of 毀|毁[hui3]
  • to destroy by fire
  • a blaze


zhuì huǐ (of an airplane etc) to fall to the ground and crash
寧拆十座廟,不一樁婚 níng chāi shí zuò miào , bù huì yī zhuāng hūn rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage (idiom)
bēng huǐ collapse
píng huǐ to raze to the ground; to demolish
chāi huǐ to dismantle; to demolish
sǔn huǐ to cause damage to; to ruin; to destroy
dǎo huǐ to destroy; to smash; sabotage
cuī huǐ to destroy; to wreck
sī huǐ to tear up; to rip up; too shred
zhuàng huǐ to smash
jī huǐ to attack and destroy
三觀 huǐ sān guān (Internet slang) (of a situation, video clip etc) to make one think "wtf!"
來性 huǐ lái xìng destructive; crushing (defeat)
傷 huǐ shāng to injure; to damage
壞 huǐ huài to damage; to devastate; to vandalize; damage; destruction
家紓難 huǐ jiā shū nàn to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (idiom)
容 huǐ róng to disfigure; to spoil the beauty of
掉 huǐ diào to destroy
損 huǐ sǔn impair, damage
滅 huǐ miè to perish; to ruin; to destroy
滅性 huǐ miè xìng destructive; devastating
約 huǐ yuē to break a promise; breach of contract
謗 huǐ bàng slander; libel; to malign; to disparage
除 huǐ chú to destroy
fén huǐ to burn down; to destroy with fire; trad. also written 焚毀
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