HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1239th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2070 |
ford stream, wade across
涉 shè |

涉及 shè jí | to involve; to touch upon (a topic) |
干涉 gān shè | to interfere; to meddle; interference |
交涉 jiāo shè | to negotiate (with); to have dealings (with) |
牵涉 qiān shè | to involve; implicated |
涉嫌 shè xián | to be a suspect (in a crime); to be suspected of |
涉足 shè zú | to set foot in; to step into; to become involved for the first time |
长途跋涉 cháng tú bá shè | long and difficult trek |
跋涉 bá shè | to trudge; to trek |
涉案 shè àn | (of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, sum of money etc) to be involved in the case |
涉险 shè xiǎn | to take risks; involved in adventure |
涉猎 shè liè | to skim (through a book); to read cursorily; to dip into |
跋山涉水 bá shān shè shuǐ | to travel over land and water (idiom) |
涉外 shè wài | concerning foreigners or foreign affairs |
不干涉 bù gān shè | noninterference; nonintervention |
干涉仪 gān shè yí | interferometer (physics) |
干涉儀 gān shè yí | interferometer (physics) |
涉世 shè shì | to see the world; to go out into society; to gain experience |
涉世未深 shè shì wèi shēn | unpracticed; inexperienced; naive; unsophisticated |
涉嫌人 shè xián rén | (criminal) suspect |
涉想 shè xiǎng | to imagine; to consider |
涉历 shè lì | to experience |
涉歷 shè lì | to experience |
涉水靴 shè shuǐ xuē | wading boots; high-topped waterproof boots |
涉水鸟 shè shuǐ niǎo | a wading bird |
涉水鳥 shè shuǐ niǎo | a wading bird |