HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2378th character |
RADICAL | ⽘ (89.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2244 |
happy, cheerful; refreshing
爽 shuǎng |

爽快 shuǎng kuai | refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward |
清爽 qīng shuǎng | fresh and cool; relaxed |
凉爽 liáng shuǎng | cool and refreshing |
爽约 shuǎng yuē | to miss an appointment |
屡试不爽 lǚ shì bù shuǎng | well-tried; time-tested |
神清气爽 shén qīng qì shuǎng | (idiom) full of vitality; relaxed and alert |
爽身粉 shuǎng shēn fěn | baby powder; talcum powder |
爽口 shuǎng kǒu | fresh and tasty |
直爽 zhí shuǎng | straightforward; outspoken |
干爽 gān shuǎng | dry and clean; clear and fresh |
豪爽 háo shuǎng | outspoken and straightforward; forthright; expansive |
爽朗 shuǎng lǎng | clear and bright (of weather); straightforward; candid; open |
秋高气爽 qiū gāo qì shuǎng | clear and refreshing autumn weather |
爽直 shuǎng zhí | straightforward |
英姿飒爽 yīng zī sà shuǎng | (of a person) valiant and formidable-looking; to carry oneself tall |
不爽 bù shuǎng | not well; out of sorts; in a bad mood; without discrepancy; accurate |
乾爽 gān shuǎng | dry and clean; clear and fresh |
报应不爽 bào yìng bù shuǎng | appropriate retribution (idiom) |
報應不爽 bào yìng bù shuǎng | appropriate retribution (idiom) |
天高气爽 tiān gāo qì shuǎng | see 秋高氣爽|秋高气爽[qiu1 gao1 qi4 shuang3] |
天高氣爽 tiān gāo qì shuǎng | see 秋高氣爽|秋高气爽[qiu1 gao1 qi4 shuang3] |
宽爽 kuān shuǎng | happy |
寬爽 kuān shuǎng | happy |
屢試不爽 lǚ shì bù shuǎng | well-tried; time-tested |
果倍爽 guǒ bèi shuǎng | Capri-Sun, juice drink brand |