HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1601st character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.8) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2137 |
pottery, ceramics
陶 táo |

陶醉 táo zuì | to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in |
陶瓷 táo cí | pottery and porcelain; ceramics |
熏陶 xūn táo | to seep in; to influence; to nurture; influence; training |
立陶宛 lì táo wǎn | Lithuania |
陶器 táo qì | pottery |
陶艺 táo yì | ceramic art |
自我陶醉 zì wǒ táo zuì | self-satisfied; self-imbued; narcissistic |
立陶宛人 lì táo wǎn rén | Lithuanian (person) |
陶土 táo tǔ | potter's clay; kaolin |
乐陶陶 lè táo táo | joyful; cheerful |
陶俑 táo yǒng | a pottery figurine buried with the dead |
陶冶 táo yě | lit. to fire pots and smelt metal; fig. to educate |
奥陶系 ào táo xì | Ordovician system (geology); see 奧陶紀|奥陶纪 |
奧陶系 ào táo xì | Ordovician system (geology); see 奧陶紀|奥陶纪 |
奥陶纪 ào táo jì | Ordovician (geological period 495-440m years ago) |
奧陶紀 ào táo jì | Ordovician (geological period 495-440m years ago) |
定陶 dìng táo | Dingtao county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong |
定陶县 dìng táo xiàn | Dingtao County in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong |
定陶縣 dìng táo xiàn | Dingtao County in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong |
樂陶陶 lè táo táo | joyful; cheerful |
熏陶成性 xūn táo chéng xìng | (idiom) nurture makes second nature; good habits come by long assimilation |
甄陶 zhēn táo | to make sth of clay; to appraise people of talent |
白陶 bái táo | white pottery (of Shang Dynastry 16-11th century BC) |
精密陶瓷 jīng mì táo cí | fine ceramics (used for dental implants, synthetic bones, electronics, knife blades etc); advanced ceramics; engineered ceramics |
叶圣陶 yè shèng táo | Ye Shengtao (1894-1988), writer and editor, known esp. for children's books |