HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2660th character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.6) |
INDEX # | 1317 |
narrow; crude, coarse; ugly
- narrow
- crude, coarse
- ugly
- low
- humble
- plain
- ugly
- mean
- vulgar

简陋 jiǎn lòu | simple and crude |
丑陋 chǒu lòu | ugly |
陋习 lòu xí | corrupt practice; bad habits; malpractice |
孤陋寡闻 gū lòu guǎ wén | ignorant and inexperienced; ill-informed and narrow-minded |
粗陋 cū lòu | crude; coarse; unsophisticated; shallow |
陈规陋习 chén guī lòu xí | outmoded conventions; old-fashioned ways |
鄙陋 bǐ lòu | superficial; shallow |
因陋就简 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn | crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can; to do things simply and thriftily; It's not pretty but it works. |
卑陋 bēi lòu | humble; petty; crude |
卑陋龌龊 bēi lòu wò chuò | sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action) |
卑陋齷齪 bēi lòu wò chuò | sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action) |
因陋就簡 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn | crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can; to do things simply and thriftily; It's not pretty but it works. |
孤陋 gū lòu | ignorant; ill-informed |
孤陋寡聞 gū lòu guǎ wén | ignorant and inexperienced; ill-informed and narrow-minded |
寡陋 guǎ lòu | having little knowledge; not well-read |
愚陋 yú lòu | ignorant and backward |
浅陋 qiǎn lòu | shallow and crude; meager (knowledge or skill) |
淺陋 qiǎn lòu | shallow and crude; meager (knowledge or skill) |
簡陋 jiǎn lòu | simple and crude |
醜陋 chǒu lòu | ugly |
陋居 lòu jū | The Burrow (Harry Potter) |
陋屋 lòu wū | humble dwelling |
陋習 lòu xí | corrupt practice; bad habits; malpractice |
陋规 lòu guī | objectionable practices |
陋規 lòu guī | objectionable practices |