HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1025th character |
RADICAL | ⽰ (113.5) |
INDEX # | 1710 |
ancestor, forefather; grandfather
祖 zǔ |

祖父 zǔ fù | father's father; paternal grandfather |
祖国 zǔ guó | motherland |
祖先 zǔ xiān | ancestor; forebears |
祖母 zǔ mǔ | father's mother; paternal grandmother |
曾祖父 zēng zǔ fù | father's father's father; paternal great-grandfather |
祖父母 zǔ fù mǔ | paternal grandparents |
佛祖 fó zǔ | Buddha; founder of a buddhist sect |
外祖母 wài zǔ mǔ | mother's mother; maternal grandmother |
外祖父 wài zǔ fù | maternal grandfather (i.e. mother's father) |
祖宗 zǔ zōng | ancestor; forebear |
曾祖母 zēng zǔ mǔ | father's father's mother; paternal great-grandmother |
祖传 zǔ chuán | passed on from ancestors; handed down from generation to generation |
先祖 xiān zǔ | deceased grandfather; ancestry |
祖辈 zǔ bèi | ancestors; forefathers; ancestry |
始祖 shǐ zǔ | primogenitor; founder of a school or trade |
鼻祖 bí zǔ | the earliest ancestor; originator (of a tradition, school of thought etc) |
祭祖 jì zǔ | to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors |
曾祖 zēng zǔ | great-grandfather (father of one's paternal grandfather) |
祖母绿 zǔ mǔ lǜ | emerald |
巴祖卡 bā zǔ kǎ | bazooka (loanword) |
祖坟 zǔ fén | ancestral tomb |
祖籍 zǔ jí | ancestral hometown; original domicile (and civil registration) |
祖鲁人 zǔ lǔ rén | Zulu people |
光宗耀祖 guāng zōng yào zǔ | to bring honor to one's ancestors |
祖祖辈辈 zǔ zǔ bèi bèi | for generations; from generation to generation |