ancestor, forefather; grandfather

HSK 6 #1025


祖 zǔ
  • surname Zu
  • ancestor
  • forefather
  • grandparents


祖 stroke order diagram
祖 stroke order animation


鲁 zǔ lǔ Zulu
母 shū zǔ mǔ wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother
师 zǔ shī founder (of a craft, religious sect etc)
马 zǔ mǎ Zuma (name); Jacob Zuma (1942-), South African ANC politician, vice-president 1999-2005, president from 2009
yuǎn zǔ a remote ancestor
拳 wǔ zǔ quán Wuzuquan - "Five Ancestors" - Martial Art
伯叔母 bó shū zǔ mǔ father's father's brother's wife; great aunt
伯叔父 bó shū zǔ fù father's father's brother; great uncle
保卫国 bǎo wèi zǔ guó to defend one's country
保衛國 bǎo wèi zǔ guó to defend one's country
元世 yuán shì zǔ lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), title of Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294
元太 yuán tài zǔ posthumous title of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗[Cheng2 ji2 si1 han2] (1162-1227)
shū zǔ grandfather's younger brother
唐高 táng gāo zǔ Emperor Gaozu of Tang, reign name of first Tang emperor Li Yuan 李淵|李渊[Li3 Yuan1] (566-635), reigned 618-626
呜呜拉 wū wū zǔ lā vuvuzela (horn) (loanword)
嗚嗚拉 wū wū zǔ lā vuvuzela (horn) (loanword)
嗡嗡拉 wēng wēng zǔ lā vuvuzela (horn blown by sports fans)
tài zǔ Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty)
鸟 shǐ zǔ niǎo Archaeopteryx
鳥 shǐ zǔ niǎo Archaeopteryx
mā zǔ Matsu, name of a sea goddess still widely worshipped on the SE China coast and in SE Asia
mā zǔ Matsu, name of a sea goddess still widely worshipped on the SE China coast and in SE Asia
花 ān zǔ huā flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum)
宋太 sòng tài zǔ Emperor Taizu of Song, posthumous title of the founding Song emperor Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤|赵匡胤 (927-976), reigned from 960
英 sòng zǔ yīng Song Zuying (1966-), Chinese folk music singer