HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1984th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.5) |
INDEX # | 1598 |
unborn child, embryo, fetus
- unborn child, embryo, fetus
- fetus
- litter
- tire
- abbr. of 輪胎|轮胎

轮胎 lún tāi | tire; pneumatic tire |
双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi | twin; CL:對|对[dui4] |
怪胎 guài tāi | freak; abnormal embryo; fetus with deformity |
胎儿 tāi ér | unborn child; fetus; embryo |
堕胎 duò tāi | to induce an abortion; induced abortion |
胎记 tāi jì | birthmark |
车胎 chē tāi | tire |
胚胎 pēi tāi | embryo |
脱胎换骨 tuō tāi huàn gǔ | to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist; to turn over a new leaf; fig. to change wholly; to create from other material (story, artwork etc) |
胎盘 tāi pán | placenta |
投胎 tóu tāi | to be reincarnated |
娘胎 niáng tāi | womb |
怀胎 huái tāi | to become pregnant; to carry a child in the womb |
鬼胎 guǐ tāi | sinister design; ulterior motive |
打胎 dǎ tāi | to have an abortion |
胎动 tāi dòng | fetal movement |
胎生 tāi shēng | viviparity; zoogony |
胚胎学 pēi tāi xué | embryology |
受胎 shòu tāi | to become pregnant; to conceive; impregnated; insemination |
畸胎 jī tāi | freak of nature; mutant; abnormality |
脱胎 tuō tāi | to be born; (fig.) to develop out of sth else (of ideas, stories, political systems etc); (fig.) to shed one's body (to be reborn); bodiless (e.g. lacquerware) |
一胎制 yī tāi zhì | the one-child policy |
一胎化 yī tāi huà | practice of allowing only one child per family |
三胞胎 sān bāo tāi | triplets |
二胎 èr tāi | second pregnancy |