HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 766th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.4) |
INDEX # | 646 |
resist, oppose, defy, reject
抗 kàng |

反抗 fǎn kàng | to resist; to rebel |
对抗 duì kàng | to withstand; to resist; to stand off; antagonism; confrontation |
抗议 kàng yì | to protest; protest |
抵抗 dǐ kàng | to resist; resistance |
抗拒 kàng jù | to resist; to defy; to oppose |
抗争 kàng zhēng | to resist; to make a stand and fight (against) |
抗生素 kàng shēng sù | antibiotic |
违抗 wéi kàng | to disobey |
抗体 kàng tǐ | antibody |
抗辩 kàng biàn | to counter accusations; to protest; to remonstrate; to retort; to plead; to demur; a plea (of not guilty); a defense (against an allegation); to enter a plea to a charge (in a law court) |
抗衡 kàng héng | contend against |
抗原 kàng yuán | antigen |
抗癌 kàng ái | anti-cancer |
抵抗力 dǐ kàng lì | resistance; immunity |
对抗赛 duì kàng sài | duel; match; competition between paired opponents (e.g. sporting) |
抗命 kàng mìng | against orders; to disobey; to refuse to accept orders |
抗击 kàng jī | to resist (an aggressor); to oppose (a menace) |
对抗性 duì kàng xìng | antagonistic |
抗药性 kàng yào xìng | drug resistance (medicine) |
不可抗力 bù kě kàng lì | unpredictable eventuality; unpreventable; unavoidable; impossible to overcome; nothing can be done about it; act of God; force majeure |
抗战 kàng zhàn | war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945) |
抗菌素 kàng jūn sù | antibiotic |
抗诉 kàng sù | to protest against a verdict; to lodge an appeal |
抗震 kàng zhèn | anti-seismic measures; seismic defenses; earthquake resistant |
分庭抗礼 fēn tíng kàng lǐ | peer competition; to function as rivals; to make claims as an equal |