HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1249th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2285 |
suffer, worry about; suffering
- suffer, worry about
- suffering
- to suffer (from illness)
- to contract (a disease)
- misfortune
- trouble
- danger
- worry

患者 huàn zhě | patient; sufferer |
隐患 yǐn huàn | a danger concealed within sth; hidden damage; misfortune not visible from the surface |
患有 huàn yǒu | to contract (an illness); to be afflicted with; to suffer from |
患病 huàn bìng | to fall ill |
人满为患 rén mǎn wéi huàn | packed with people; overcrowded; overpopulation |
患难 huàn nàn | trials and tribulations |
有备无患 yǒu bèi wú huàn | Preparedness averts peril.; to be prepared, just in case (idiom) |
患儿 huàn ér | child victim of disaster or disease; afflicted child |
防患于未然 fáng huàn yú wèi rán | see 防患未然[fang2 huan4 wei4 ran2] |
患得患失 huàn dé huàn shī | to worry about personal gains and losses |
患处 huàn chù | afflicted part |
外患 wài huàn | foreign aggression |
后患无穷 hòu huàn wú qióng | it will cause no end of trouble (idiom) |
心腹之患 xīn fù zhī huàn | lit. calamity within one's bosom (idiom); major trouble hidden within |
患难之交 huàn nàn zhī jiāo | a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed |
忧患 yōu huàn | suffering; misery; hardship |
水患 shuǐ huàn | flooding; water disaster |
祸患 huò huàn | disaster; calamity |
不患寡而患不均 bù huàn guǎ ér huàn bù jūn | do not worry about scarcity, but rather about uneven distribution (idiom, from Analects) |
人滿為患 rén mǎn wéi huàn | packed with people; overcrowded; overpopulation |
人畜共患症 rén chù gòng huàn zhèng | zoonosis |
伤患 shāng huàn | injured person |
傷患 shāng huàn | injured person |
内忧外患 nèi yōu wài huàn | internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad |
內憂外患 nèi yōu wài huàn | internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad |