HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2510th character |
RADICAL | ⾢ (163.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2903 |
mean; low
鄙 bǐ |

卑鄙 bēi bǐ | base; mean; contemptible; despicable |
鄙视 bǐ shì | to despise; to disdain; to look down upon |
鄙人 bǐ rén | your humble servant; I |
粗鄙 cū bǐ | vulgar; coarse; uncouth |
可鄙 kě bǐ | base; mean; despicable |
鄙夷 bǐ yí | to despise; to look down upon; despicable |
鄙弃 bǐ qì | to disdain; to loathe |
鄙陋 bǐ lòu | superficial; shallow |
卑鄙龌龊 bēi bǐ wò chuò | sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action) |
卑鄙齷齪 bēi bǐ wò chuò | sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action) |
沥陈鄙见 lì chén bǐ jiàn | to state one's humble opinion (idiom) |
瀝陳鄙見 lì chén bǐ jiàn | to state one's humble opinion (idiom) |
芜鄙 wú bǐ | muddled and limited (of writing) |
蕪鄙 wú bǐ | muddled and limited (of writing) |
贪鄙 tān bǐ | to be avaricious and mean |
貪鄙 tān bǐ | to be avaricious and mean |
边鄙 biān bǐ | remote; border area |
邊鄙 biān bǐ | remote; border area |
鄙俗 bǐ sú | vulgar; philistine |
鄙俚 bǐ lǐ | vulgar; philistine |
鄙劣 bǐ liè | base; mean; despicable |
鄙吝 bǐ lìn | vulgar; stingy; miserly; mean |
鄙斥 bǐ chì | (literary) to censure; to rebuke |
鄙棄 bǐ qì | to disdain; to loathe |
鄙称 bǐ chēng | derogatory term |