書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顏如玉 shū zhōng zì yǒu huáng jīn wū , shū zhōng zì yǒu yán rú yù


  1. lit. in books are sumptuous houses and graceful ladies (proverb)
  2. fig. be diligent in your studies, success and glory will follow


書 shū book, letter, document; writings
中 zhōng central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain
自 zì self, private, personal; from
有 yǒu have, own, possess; exist
黃 huáng yellow; surname
金 jīn gold; metals in general; money
屋 wū house; room; building, shelter
書 shū book, letter, document; writings
中 zhōng central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain
自 zì self, private, personal; from
有 yǒu have, own, possess; exist
顏 yán face, facial appearance
如 rú if, supposing; as if; like, as
玉 yù jade, precious stone, gem