RADICAL | ⽈ (73.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
書 shū
book, letter, document; writings
- book, letter, document
- writings
- abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]
- book
- letter
- document
- CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]
- to write

K書 k shū | (Tw) to cram (from Taiwanese 齧書, Tai-lo pr. [khè su], lit. to gnaw a book); to study; see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1] |
三聯書店 sān lián shū diàn | Joint Publishing, bookstore chain and publisher, founded in Hong Kong in 1948 |
上書 shàng shū | to write a letter (to the authorities); to present a petition |
上海商務印書館 shàng hǎi shāng wù yìn shū guǎn | Commercial Press, Shanghai (from 1897) |
中國大百科全書出版社 zhōng guó dà bǎi kē quán shū chū bǎn shè | Encyclopedia of China Publishing House |
代書 dài shū | to write for sb else; a lawyer who writes legal documents for his clients |
以弗所書 yǐ fú suǒ shū | Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians |
以西結書 yǐ xī jié shū | Book of Ezekiel |
以賽亞書 yǐ sài yà shū | Book of Isaiah |
仰屋著書 yǎng wū zhù shū | lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book (idiom); to put one's whole body and soul into a book |
但以理書 dàn yǐ lǐ shū | Book of Daniel |
但書 dàn shū | proviso; qualifying clause |
何西阿書 hé xī ā shū | Book of Hosea |
佛書 fó shū | Buddhist texts; scripture |
俄巴底亞書 é bā dǐ yà shū | Book of Obadiah |
借書單 jiè shū dān | book slip |
借書證 jiè shū zhèng | library card |
倡議書 chàng yì shū | written proposal; document outlining an initiative |
偽書 wěi shū | forged book; book of dubious authenticity; misattributed book; Apocrypha |
傳書鴿 chuán shū gē | carrier pigeon (used for mail) |
傳道書 chuán dào shū | Ecclesiastes (biblical book of sermons) |
債務證書 zhài wù zhèng shū | debt instrument |
全書 quán shū | entire book; unabridged book; entire multi-volume work; comprehensive volume |
八行書 bā háng shū | formal recommendation letter in eight columns |
六書 liù shū | Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictionary Shuowen 說文|说文 - namely, two primary methods: 象形 (pictogram), 指事 (ideogram), two compound methods: 會意|会意 (combined ideogram), 形聲|形声 (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer methods: 假借 (loan), 轉注|转注 (transfer) |